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All JavaScript Variables Need to Obey These Fundamental Rules
Basic principles for valid JavaScript variable names
1 min readJul 15, 2024
Variables are the workhorses of JavaScript, holding the data that make your software tick — and they are everywhere.
Here are some fundamental rules that all valid JavaScript variable names should obey to avoid errors and for maintainable code.
- A variable name should be one word, with no spaces.
- Use alphabetical characters (a-z), numbers (0–9), and the underscore character (_). This is to avoid errors and for syntax compatibility.
- Variables names can’t begin with a number otherwise you’ll get an error. This is because JavaScript uses numbers as a separate data type. For example, 1name is invalid, but firstName is okay.
- Variable names are case-sensitive. For example, the variable names: myage, MyAge, myAge and MYAGE are four distinct variables. The key here is to be consistent in your naming/capitalization to avoid unintended behavior.
- Don’t use reserved JavaScript keywords (such as else, function, if etc.) Because they have a special meaning within JavaScript.
Again, be consistent in your naming. The most widely adopted convention for variable names is camelCase. For example, firstName, lastName, and isLoggedIn etc.